Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hello all! Welcome to Young and Making It, my own little spot in the blogiverse.

A little background on me...

I'm a 22 year old guy working to make it on my own while working two jobs and attending school full-time. This doesn't leave me much free time (or money, thanks to stupid financial decisions when I was younger) so I decided to create this blog to chronicle my steps toward more financial independence and solidity.

My main full-time job is at a bank, where I am the vault teller. I prepare cash shipments, currency and change orders, assist other tellers in maintaining their cash drawers, etc. I have been there for a little over a year and love it -- I want to continue a career in the banking field upon finishing school.

My part-time job is my former full-time job. I have worked at a local deli for almost six years now, which was my first job. I was promoted to assistant manager in January of 2003 and worked there full-time in that position until I was hired by the bank. Now I continue to work there on weekends in order to help make ends meet.

I also attend school full-time, working toward a degree in Business Administration. I am a bit behind in school compared to others my age (okay, a lot behind). This is the result of several stupid decisions made on my part when I was younger... not going straight from high school, taking too much time off, dropping classes, etc. I'm over that stage now and believe that it has made me a harder worker and more determined to succeed.

Making a blog has been something that I have thought of for a while now... now I'm at home from work on a sick day, and have decided to give it a go. I'm thinking I'm going to detail some daily events, odd happenings, my budgeting and financial decisions, etc. in order to give everyone an idea of what it is like to be a broke college student (lol). I hope that you all enjoy.

That's enough about me for now -- I want to get to know some of you all better. Bring on the comments, fellow bloggers!

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